
Turner Should End the Divisive Fire Fighter Pay Dispute: Go to Arbitration!

Turner Should End the Divisive Fire Fighter Pay Dispute: Go to Arbitration!

May 22, 2019

I don’t think there is a citizen in Houston who is not fed up with hearing about the City’s ongoing,

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Just in Case You Thought the City Had Solved its Pension Problems

Just in Case You Thought the City Had Solved its Pension Problems

January 23, 2019

We now have audits for the City and its three pension plans for the first full year of operation

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How Much Did the City Cut Pension Benefits

How Much Did the City Cut Pension Benefits

September 27, 2018

Recently on What’s Your Point and in my blog, I have cited estimates of how much the City cut pensions

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Town Hall Misinformation

Town Hall Misinformation

September 27, 2018

There is so much misinformation being disseminated at the current round of “town hall” meetings it is hard to

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